Our Managed Dedicated Servers - Power and Dependability

Experience the robust performance and reliability of CloudSpinx fully managed dedicated servers.
Our dedicated server solutions provide the power and customization your business needs, coupled with the stability and support of our top-tier infrastructure. Ensure your business applications operate at their best, all with the assurance of our industry-leading support.

Our Dedicated Server Plans

All our dedicated servers have the following features.

Full root access
1 Dedicated IPv4 address
IPv6 subnet (/64)
Reverse DNS administration
DDoS protection
Free email support
Free phone support
30.9 TBit total bandwidth
Redundant network
Juniper routing technology
High-speed access to all Internet uplinks
Network availability min. 99.9%
Operating System

Our dedicated server solutions provide you with a complete physical server, exclusively dedicated to your applications and data. This translates to unmatched performance, security, and customization – the perfect foundation for businesses and organizations with mission-critical needs.

Unmatched Hardware Options

Advanced Features for Enhanced Functionality

Unwavering Security for Complete Peace of Mind

CloudSpinx Dedicated Servers: Ideal For

High-Traffic Websites

Experience exceptional performance and scalability to handle surges in website traffic without compromising user experience.

Mission-Critical Applications

Ensure reliable operation and optimal performance for your most crucial business applications. This can be web applications or SaaS, IaaS systems.

Virtualization Platforms

Consolidate resources and efficiently manage diverse workloads by running multiple virtual machines on a single dedicated server.

Resource-Intensive Tasks

Run complex data processing, scientific simulations, or render high-resolution graphics with the raw power of a dedicated server.

Gaming Servers

Deliver an unparalleled gaming experience with dedicated resources for superior performance and low latency.

Database Servers

Host large and demanding databases with confidence, experiencing exceptional speed and reliability for data management.

Kubernetes Clusters

Create a robust foundation for your containerized applications with dedicated servers acting as reliable worker nodes within your Kubernetes cluster.

CAD/CAM Applications

Handle complex design and manufacturing workloads with the raw processing power and graphics capabilities offered by dedicated servers.

Media Streaming

Deliver smooth and high-quality video or audio streaming experiences with the dedicated processing power and bandwidth of a dedicated server.

High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Dedicated servers provide the raw processing power and low latency needed for complex scientific calculations, simulations, and data analysis in HPC environments.

Managed Server Services: Focus on Your Business, We Manage Your Server

Don't have the in-house IT resources to manage your dedicated server? CloudSpinx Managed Server services take the burden off your shoulders. Our expert team will handle:

Considering a Cloud-based Alternative?

While dedicated servers offer unparalleled power and control, Cloud Hosting solutions provide scalability and flexibility at a lower cost. Explore our Cloud Hosting options if you require a more cost-effective solution with the ability to easily scale resources.

Ready to Unleash the Power of Your Online Presence?

Contact CloudSpinx today and explore our dedicated server solutions. Our expert team will help you choose the perfect configuration to meet your specific needs and budget. Experience the unparalleled control and performance that a CloudSpinx dedicated server can offer!

Dedicated Servers: FAQs for the Discerning Techie

What's the difference between a dedicated server and shared hosting?
Think of a shared hosting plan like an apartment building. You share resources with your neighbors. A dedicated server is your own private mansion – all the power and control for you!
Why choose CloudSpinx Dedicated Servers?
We offer top-of-the-line hardware, ultimate control, and the flexibility to customize your server environment exactly how you need it. Plus, our 24/7 support team is always on standby!
Is a dedicated server right for me?
If you crave peak performance, security, and control for your high-traffic website, mission-critical application, or resource-intensive workload, then a dedicated server is your champion!
How much processing power do I need?
It depends! High-traffic websites need more muscle than development environments. Our sales team can help you assess your needs and choose the perfect CPU configuration.
Can I upgrade my server later?
Absolutely! CloudSpinx offers scalability options. Need more RAM or storage? We’ve got you covered.
What about security?
Security is our priority. With dedicated servers, you have complete control over your security measures. CloudSpinx also offers additional security features like firewalls and intrusion detection.
Sounds great, but dedicated servers seem like a lot to manage. Is that true?
Not necessarily! CloudSpinx offers a range of options. You can be the head chef in your server kitchen with full root access, or you can let our Managed Server service be your sous chef, handling the everyday maintenance while you focus on the big picture.
What operating systems do you support?
We’re all about flexibility! Choose from a wide range of popular options, including Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Windows Server versions.
Do I need to be a server expert to manage a dedicated server?
Not necessarily! CloudSpinx offers root access for complete control, but we also provide optional Managed Server services if you prefer expert management.
What if I Don't Want to Manage the Server Myself?
No problem! CloudSpinx offers optional Managed Server services. Our expert team will handle the nitty-gritty of server management, freeing you to focus on your core business activities. Consider it a dedicated server butler, ensuring your digital mansion runs smoothly.
What kind of features come with a dedicated server?
Think of it like building your dream home. You choose the CPU (the brains), the RAM (the memory), and the storage (your walk-in data closet). Plus, you get high-speed connections, advanced security options, and the ability to customize everything to your needs.
How much do dedicated servers cost?
The cost depends on your specific needs, like processing power, storage, and additional features. Contact our sales team for a custom quote!
I'm still unsure. Can I talk to a real person?
Of course! Our CloudSpinx team is here to answer your questions and help you decide if a dedicated server is the right fit for you. Consider us your friendly neighborhood server experts! With CloudSpinx Dedicated Servers, you’re in control. Unlock the full potential of your online presence and take your projects and applications to the next level!

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Unleash the full potential of your business with CloudSpinx. Our expert solutions specialists are standing by to answer your questions and tailor a plan that perfectly aligns with your unique needs.
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