Install Kubernetes cluster in docker containers using Rancher K3d

K3s is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution by Rancher. It uses k3d to create containerized k3s clusters. With Docker, we can spin up a multi-node k3s cluster on a single machine. K3d helps to run k3s inside a Docker container.

For this guide, I am going to be using Ubuntu based Linux system for any examples. Let’s go ahead to install Docker CE on our server. Update your system before you proceed.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

If a reboot is required let the system be restarted.

[ -e /var/run/reboot-required ] && sudo reboot

Step 1: Install Docker Runtime

The simplest way of installing Docker in your system is the scripted method.

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

To check your version of Docker run the following commands:

$ docker --version
Docker version 27.1.1, build 6312585

Service is started automatically after installation:

$ systemctl status docker
 docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-08-09 16:07:54 UTC; 5min ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
   Main PID: 2005 (dockerd)
      Tasks: 8
     Memory: 24.6M
        CPU: 451ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
             └─2005 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
Aug 09 16:07:53 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:53.474770680Z" level=info msg="Starting up"
Aug 09 16:07:53 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:53.475379494Z" level=info msg="detected nameserver, assuming systemd-resolved, so using resolv.conf: /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf"
Aug 09 16:07:53 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:53.744487436Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
Aug 09 16:07:53 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:53.798373584Z" level=info msg="Firewalld: created docker-forwarding policy"
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:54.272908647Z" level=info msg="Firewalld: interface docker0 already part of docker zone, returning"
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:54.363245984Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:54.375650104Z" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=cc13f95 containerd-snapshotter=false storage-driver=overlay2 version=27.1.1
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:54.375753181Z" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com dockerd[203788]: time="2024-08-09T16:07:54.405335136Z" level=info msg="API listen on /run/docker.sock"
Aug 09 16:07:54 ubuntu-cloudspinx-com systemd[1]: Started docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine.

Confirm installation by checking version:

$ docker --version
Docker version 24.0.5, build ced0996

Step 2: Install k3d on your Linux system

There are a number of options you can use to install k3s inside docker (k3d). See below installation steps for your particular Linux operating system.

sudo -i

Using installation script to get the latest version:

# With wget
wget -q -O - | bash

# Or with curl
curl -s | bash

Install on macOS with Homebrew:

brew install k3d

For Arch Linux you can use yay:

yay -S rancher-k3d-bin

Confirm installed version

# k3d version
k3d version v5.7.3
k3s version v1.30.3-k3s1 (default)

Once you have installed, you can run k3d help to see what you can do with k3d

# k3d help
k3d is a wrapper CLI that helps you to easily create k3s clusters inside docker.
Nodes of a k3d cluster are docker containers running a k3s image.
All Nodes of a k3d cluster are part of the same docker network.

  k3d [flags]
  k3d [command]

Available Commands:
  cluster      Manage cluster(s)
  completion   Generate completion scripts for [bash, zsh, fish, powershell | psh]
  config       Work with config file(s)
  help         Help about any command
  image        Handle container images.
  kubeconfig   Manage kubeconfig(s)
  node         Manage node(s)
  registry     Manage registry/registries
  version      Show k3d and default k3s version

  -h, --help         help for k3d
      --timestamps   Enable Log timestamps
      --trace        Enable super verbose output (trace logging)
      --verbose      Enable verbose output (debug logging)
      --version      Show k3d and default k3s version

Use "k3d [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Step 3: Create a Kubernetes cluster with k3d

  • Creating a cluster with single agent (worker node)

To create a cluster named ‘k8skdcluster‘ with a single node, run the command below:

# k3d cluster create k8skdcluster
INFO[0000] Prep: Network
INFO[0000] Created network 'k3d-k8skdcluster'
INFO[0000] Created image volume k3d-k8skdcluster-images
INFO[0000] Starting new tools node...
INFO[0000] Pulling image ''
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0'
INFO[0001] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-tools'
INFO[0002] Pulling image ''
INFO[0006] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-k8skdcluster-serverlb'
INFO[0006] Pulling image ''
INFO[0009] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information
INFO[0009] HostIP: using network gateway address
INFO[0009] Starting cluster 'k8skdcluster'
INFO[0009] Starting servers...
INFO[0009] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0'
INFO[0013] All agents already running.
INFO[0013] Starting helpers...
INFO[0013] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-serverlb'
INFO[0019] Injecting records for hostAliases (incl. host.k3d.internal) and for 2 network members into CoreDNS configmap...
INFO[0021] Cluster 'k8skdcluster' created successfully!
INFO[0021] You can now use it like this:
kubectl cluster-info
  • Creating a cluster with more than one agent

You can remove current cluster or use different name:

k3d cluster delete k8skdcluster

To create a k3d cluster with more than one worker nodes, run the command below:

$ k3d  cluster create k8skdcluster --agents 3
INFO[0000] Prep: Network
INFO[0000] Created network 'k3d-k8skdcluster'
INFO[0000] Created image volume k3d-k8skdcluster-images
INFO[0000] Starting new tools node...
INFO[0000] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-tools'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-0'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-1'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-2'
INFO[0001] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-k8skdcluster-serverlb'
INFO[0001] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information
INFO[0001] HostIP: using network gateway address
INFO[0001] Starting cluster 'k8skdcluster'
INFO[0001] Starting servers...
INFO[0001] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0'
INFO[0005] Starting agents...
INFO[0005] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-2'
INFO[0005] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-0'
INFO[0005] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-agent-1'
INFO[0011] Starting helpers...
INFO[0011] Starting node 'k3d-k8skdcluster-serverlb'
INFO[0018] Injecting records for hostAliases (incl. host.k3d.internal) and for 5 network members into CoreDNS configmap...
INFO[0020] Cluster 'k8skdcluster' created successfully!
INFO[0020] You can now use it like this:
kubectl cluster-info

Where –agents flag specifies the number of agents you need. In this case, I have specified 3. Remember to export config. Once its created you can list clusters:

# k3d cluster list 
k8skdcluster   1/1       3/3      true

Step 4: Managing k3s Cluster

List clusters with k3d

# k3d cluster list
k8skdcluster   1/1       0/0      true

List nodes with k3d

# k3d node list
NAME                        ROLE           CLUSTER        STATUS
k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0   server         k8skdcluster   running
k3d-k8skdcluster-serverlb   loadbalancer   k8skdcluster   running

Step 5: Manage k3s Cluster with kubectl

To be able to use Kubectl in K3s cluster, we need to install Kubectl first.

Install Kubectl on Linux

Run the command below to install the latest version.

curl -LO "$(curl -s"

Make the kubectl binary executable.

chmod +x ./kubectl

Move the binary in to your PATH.

mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

To install Kubectl on MacOS, use the below commands

brew install kubectl 
# or
brew install kubernetes-cli

You can now run k3s cluster commands with kubectl. For example, get all pods

# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces     
kube-system   coredns-576bfc4dc7-p5vxt                  1/1     Running     0          115s
kube-system   helm-install-traefik-crd-kt8ql            0/1     Completed   0          115s
kube-system   helm-install-traefik-llswz                0/1     Completed   1          115s
kube-system   local-path-provisioner-6795b5f9d8-rwqtt   1/1     Running     0          115s
kube-system   metrics-server-557ff575fb-ms6ht           1/1     Running     0          115s
kube-system   svclb-traefik-b7daaafb-nw5fv              2/2     Running     0          103s
kube-system   traefik-5fb479b77-grjc8                   1/1     Running     0          103s

List nodes in the cluster

# kubectl get nodes
NAME                        STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
k3d-k8skdcluster-server-0   Ready    control-plane,master   2m33s   v1.30.3+k3s1

List nodes

# k3d node list    
NAME                      ROLE           CLUSTER      STATUS 
k3d-newcluster-agent-0    agent          newcluster   running 
k3d-newcluster-agent-1    agent          newcluster   running 
k3d-newcluster-server-0   server         newcluster   running 
k3d-newcluster-serverlb   loadbalancer   newcluster   running

Confirm running containers

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                             NAMES
1111327ef68b   "/bin/sh -c nginx-pr…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes   80/tcp,>6443/tcp   k3d-newcluster-serverlb
976dbc89fbd0   rancher/k3s:v1.27.4-k3s1         "/bin/k3d-entrypoint…"   3 minutes ago   Up 3 minutes                                     k3d-newcluster-server-0

Get cluster info

# kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at 
CoreDNS is running at 
Metrics-server is running at 

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.

Get all services in the cluster

# kubectl -n kube-system get all 
NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/metrics-server-7b4f8b595-qdfsc           1/1     Running     0          33m
pod/helm-install-traefik-ztlj8               0/1     Completed   0          33m
pod/svclb-traefik-vmwr5                      2/2     Running     0          31m
pod/svclb-traefik-787b2                      2/2     Running     0          31m
pod/svclb-traefik-4l4q2                      2/2     Running     0          31m
pod/coredns-66c464876b-v9m94                 1/1     Running     0          33m
pod/traefik-5dd496474-sp9hl                  1/1     Running     0          31m
pod/local-path-provisioner-7ff9579c6-mnccm   1/1     Running     4          33m

NAME                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/kube-dns             ClusterIP      <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP       33m
service/metrics-server       ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP                      33m
service/traefik-prometheus   ClusterIP    <none>        9100/TCP                     31m
service/traefik              LoadBalancer    80:30172/TCP,443:30736/TCP   31m

daemonset.apps/svclb-traefik   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          31m

NAME                                     READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/metrics-server           1/1     1            1           33m
deployment.apps/coredns                  1/1     1            1           33m
deployment.apps/traefik                  1/1     1            1           31m
deployment.apps/local-path-provisioner   1/1     1            1           33m

NAME                                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/metrics-server-7b4f8b595           1         1         1       33m
replicaset.apps/coredns-66c464876b                 1         1         1       33m
replicaset.apps/traefik-5dd496474                  1         1         1       31m
replicaset.apps/local-path-provisioner-7ff9579c6   1         1         1       33m

NAME                             COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/helm-install-traefik   1/1           94s        33m

To delete a cluster with k3d, use command syntax:

# k3d cluster delete <cluster-name>
INFO[0001] Deleting cluster 'newcluster'                 
INFO[0005] Deleted k3d-newcluster-serverlb               
INFO[0008] Deleted k3d-newcluster-server-0               
INFO[0008] Deleting cluster network '40d1445aaac90b4aa8c2db5c2547d3bbfa7662941808df0721373050ffea9c18'  
INFO[0009] Deleting image volume 'k3d-newcluster-images'  
INFO[0009] Removing cluster details from default kubeconfig...  
INFO[0009] Removing standalone kubeconfig file (if there is one)...  
INFO[0009] Successfully deleted cluster newcluster!

Enjoy working with K3s cluster in Docker containers and contact CloudSpinx for any container related issues.

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