Cloud Platforms

A snapshot can be defined as a view of a virtual machine’s operating system and applications on any or all […]

In this article we will perform an installation of Proxmox VE 8.x on Hetzner Root Server. Hetzner is a cloud hosting company […]

Google Drive is a fantastic cloud storage service that allows you to upload, share, and sync data across several computers. […]

Dropbox is a cloud based service that allows you to save and transfer data across many computers. Dropbox links allow […]

Nextcloud is a free and open-source syncing and file sharing server. It is self-hosted and allows companies to have a […]

We’ve come a long way from June 21, 1948, when the first software was developed. Today, software development works mostly […]

In Amazon S3, versioning allows you to keep multiple versions of an object within the same bucket. By using S3 […]

Proxmox is a powerful open-source and enterprise-grade virtualization platform that uses a modified Debian kernel to deploy and manage multiple […]

The open-source Casa OS project was created by IceWhale, the same firm that makes Zimaboards. The whole ecosystem is made […]

Complete development environments can be constructed with the help of Vagrant. The “it works on my machine” justification is rendered […]

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