Taking screenshots is one of the many important features of our devices. Once in a while, every one of us […]
VSCodium is an open source, free to use, and community-driven binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VSCode. The VSCodium binaries are […]
When dealing with hosting websites, there are various requirements for IT developers to ensure that websites are working properly. The […]
Concrete is an open source content management platform used to publish and manage online content. Just like WordPress and Joomla. […]
Different Linux distributions have developed a system for bundling already compiled applications for distribution called a package. Now, package management […]
OSSEC (Open-Source HIDS SECurity ) is a free and open-source Hosted-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). OSSEC plays a critical role […]
A remote desktop refers to a software or operating system feature that allows a personal computer’s desktop environment to be […]
This guide demonstrate how to install Beekeeper Studio SQL Database Manager on Ubuntu 24.04|22.04. Beekeeper Studio is a free SQL […]
OpenResty® is a full-featured web platform that uses our improved Nginx core to scale online applications and services. Its purpose […]
Google Drive is a fantastic cloud storage service that allows you to upload, share, and sync data across several computers. […]