Count Lines of Source Code on Linux Using Tokei

What is Tokei and how is it useful to developers? Tokei is a very powerful program that is used to display code statistics. This means it can count the total number of files, total lines within the files or code, can show comments, blanks etc and groups them according to language used.

Features of Tokei

Tokei has a number of intuitive features that makes it a program to go for. These include:

  • Very Fast – Tokei can count millions of lines of codes within seconds.
  • Accuracy – Tokei is accurate in that it correctly handles both multi-line comments and nested comments and doesn’t comments that are in strings.
  • Multiple formats – It can give outputs in various formats such as JSON, YAML and CBOR, hence the output can be easily stored and reused.
  • Huge language range – It supports more that 150 languages with their extensions.
  • Support for Operating systems – Tokei is available on Mac, Windows and Linux Operating systems.
  • Tokei is a Library making it easy to be integrated with other projects.
  • Can be installed with and without color. The variable No_COLOR st to 1 makes it black and white.

Installing Tokei utility on Linux / macOS

To manually install Tokei in Linux, use the steps below:

First download the latest version of Tokei using wget as shown. Check the pre-built binaries for you to download in gitub.

sudo wget -qO tokei.tar.gz

Extract the file to /usr/local/bin directory.

sudo tar xf tokei.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin

You can check the version installed.

$ tokei --version
tokei 13.0.0 compiled with serialization support: json, cbor, yaml

You can also install with the corresponding package managers in other Linux distributions.

# Arch Linux / Manjaro
sudo pacman -S tokei

# Fedora
sudo dnf install tokei

# OpenSUSE
sudo zypper install tokei

# FreeBSD
pkg install tokei

# Cargo
cargo install tokei

# Alpine Linux (Since 3.13)
apk add tokei

You can also build and install Tokei from source. This requires the latest stable Rust compiler. Check the installation example on Ubuntu 24.04 below.

First, update your system packages:

sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo reboot

Install Rust on Linux:

sudo apt -y install rustc

Install Tokei:

$ cargo install --git tokei

Compiling tokei v12.1.2 (/home/lorna/.cargo/git/checkouts/tokei-d1ad1f1a744b4594/0152709)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 7m 38s
  Installing /home/lorna/.cargo/bin/tokei
   Installed package `tokei v12.1.2 (` (executable `tokei`)
warning: be sure to add `/home/lorna/.cargo/bin` to your PATH to be able to run the installed binaries

$ PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

Install Tokei on Windows and MacOS as shown below:

On MacOS:

# With Homebrew
brew install tokei

# With MacPorts
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install tokei

On Windows:

scoop install tokei

Configuring Tokei on Linux

Create a configuration file that enables you to change the default behavior. The file can be named tokei.toml or .tokeirc and can be placed in the current directory, home directory or configuration directory. Example configuration as below:

# The width of the terminal output in columns.
columns = 80

# Sort languages based on the specified column.
sort = "lines"

# If set, tokei will only show the languages in `types`.
types = ["Python"]

# Any doc strings (e.g. `"""hello"""` in python) will be counted as comments.
treat_doc_strings_as_comments = true

How to Use Tokei to count lines of code

Once you install tokei, you can simply run tokeito display code statistics for the current directory

$ tokei 
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Markdown                8          194            0          124           70
 Python                  4           27           18            2            7
 Plain Text              1            1            0            1            0
 YAML                    3           53           53            0            0
 Jupyter Notebooks       1            0            0            0            0
 |- Python               1           16           13            0            3
 (Total)                             16           13            0            3
 Total                  17          275           71          127           77

To list the supported languages and extensions, run the below command. The list is a bit long.

$ tokei -l
Arduino C++
GNU Style Assembly

If you have a specific file/code in a specific directory that you wish to display its statistics, pass the directory name as shown. This will report on the specified folder and its subdolders.

$ tokei /home/lorna 
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Markdown                8          194            0          124           70
 Python                  4           27           18            2            7
 Plain Text              1            1            0            1            0
 YAML                    3           53           53            0            0
 Jupyter Notebooks       1            0            0            0            0
 |- Python               1           16           13            0            3
 (Total)                             16           13            0            3
 Total                  17          275           71          127           77

Use a comma or space to separate folders if you wish to report on multiple folders.

$ tokei ./foo ./bar ./baz
# or
$ tokei ./foo, ./bar, ./baz

To exclude folders, tokei inspects .gitignore and .ignore files where you can list paths to exclude but you can also use --excludefor excuding additional files. Excluded paths can also be listed in .tokeignore file using the same syntax as .gitignore files. Simply create a file with one of the names and add the paths to be ignored.

tokei /<path-to-inspect> --exclude *.rs

You can also sort what you wish to display. By default tokei sorts alphabetically by language but with --sorttokei can sort the columns by blanks, comments, lines and code

$ tokei /home/lorna --sort code
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 YAML                    3           53           53            0            0
 Python                  4           27           18            2            7
 Markdown                8          194            0          124           70
 Plain Text              1            1            0            1            0
 Jupyter Notebooks       1            0            0            0            0
 |- Python               1           16           13            0            3
 (Total)                             16           13            0            3
 Total                  17          275           71          127           77

To output individual file statistics with Tokei instead of the default total of the languages, use --files flag

$ tokei /home/lorna/ --files
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Markdown                8          194            0          124           70
 |orna/Nextcloud/            1            0            0            1
 |loud/Templates/           12            0            9            3
 |emplates/Product           58            0           32           26
 |mplates/Meeting           25            0           16            9
 |loud/Documents/            3            0            2            1
 |oud/Documents/           19            0           14            5
 |xtcloud/Photos/            3            0            2            1
 |na/linux-amd64/           73            0           49           24
 Python                  4           27           18            2            7
 /home/lorna/                  8            5            0            3
 /home/lorna/            9            8            1            0
 /home/lorna/               7            3            1            3
 /home/lorna/             3            2            0            1
 Plain Text              1            1            0            1            0
 /home/lorna/file1.txt                1            0            1            0
 YAML                    3           53           53            0            0
 /home/lorna/k0s.yaml                23           23            0            0
 |common/config/config.yml           10           10            0            0
 /home/lorna/k0sctl.yaml             20           20            0            0
 Jupyter Notebooks       1            0            0            0            0
 |- Python               1           16           13            0            3
 (Total)                             16           13            0            3
 |- Jupyter Notebooks                 0            0            0            0
 |- Python                           16           13            0            3
 /home/lorna/test1.ipynb              0            0            0            0
 Total                  17          275           71          127           77

You can also define the kind of output you want. This could be json, yaml, cbor or all. See below example:

$ tokei /home/lorna/ --output json
{"Jupyter Notebooks":{"blanks":0,"children":{"Python":[{"name":"/home/lorna/test1.ipynb","stats":{"blanks":3,"blobs":{},"code":13,"comments":0}}]},"code":0,"comments":0,"inaccurate":false,"reports":[{"name":"/home/lorna/test1.ipynb","stats":{"blanks":0,"blobs":{"Python":{"blanks":3,"blobs":{},"code":13,"comments":0}},"code":0,"comments":0}}]},"Markdown":{"blanks":70,"children":{},"code":0,"comments":124,"inaccurate":false,"reports":[{"name":"/home/lorna/Nextcloud/","stats":{"blanks":1,"blobs":{},"code":0,"comments":0}},{"name":"/home/lorna/Nextcloud/Templates/","stats":{"blanks":3,"blobs":{},"code":0,"comments":9}},{"name":"/home/lorna/Nextcloud/Templates/Meeting","stats":{"blanks":9,"blobs":{},"code":0,"comments":16}},{"name":"/home/lorna/Nextcloud/Documents/","stats":{"blanks":1,"blobs":{},"code"

$ tokei /home/lorna/ --output yaml
Jupyter Notebooks:
  blanks: 0
      - name: /home/lorna/test1.ipynb
          blanks: 3
          blobs: {}
          code: 13
          comments: 0
  code: 0
  comments: 0
  inaccurate: false
    - name: /home/lorna/test1.ipynb
        blanks: 0
            blanks: 3
            blobs: {}
            code: 13
            comments: 0
        code: 0
        comments: 0

$ tokei /home/lorna/ --output cbor

Check the options to be used with tokei using -h flag:

$ tokei -h
tokei 12.1.2 compiled with serialization support: json, cbor, yaml
Erin P. <[email protected]> + Contributors
Count your code, quickly.
Support this project on GitHub Sponsors:

    tokei [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [input]...

    -C, --compact             Do not print statistics about embedded languages.
    -f, --files               Will print out statistics on individual files.
    -h, --help                Prints help information
        --hidden              Count hidden files.
    -l, --languages           Prints out supported languages and their extensions.
        --no-ignore           Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.). This implies --no-ignore-parent,
                              --no-ignore-dot, and --no-ignore-vcs.
        --no-ignore-dot       Don't respect .ignore and .tokeignore files, including those in parent directories.
        --no-ignore-parent    Don't respect ignore files (.gitignore, .ignore, etc.) in parent directories.
        --no-ignore-vcs       Don't respect VCS ignore files (.gitignore, .hgignore, etc.), including those in parent
    -V, --version             Prints version information
    -v, --verbose             Set log output level:
                                          1: to show unknown file extensions,
                                          2: reserved for future debugging,
                                          3: enable file level trace. Not recommended on multiple files

    -c, --columns <columns>                Sets a strict column width of the output, only available for terminal output.
    -e, --exclude <exclude>...             Ignore all files & directories matching the pattern.
    -i, --input <file_input>               Gives statistics from a previous tokei run. Can be given a file path, or
                                           "stdin" to read from stdin.
    -n, --num-format <num_format_style>    Format of printed numbers, i.e. plain (1234, default), commas (1,234), dots
                                           (1.234), or underscores (1_234). Cannot be used with --output. [possible
                                           values: commas, dots, plain, underscores]
    -o, --output <output>                  Outputs Tokei in a specific format. Compile with additional features for more
                                           format support. [possible values: cbor, json, yaml]
    -s, --sort <sort>                      Sort languages based on column [possible values: files, lines, blanks, code,
    -t, --type <types>                     Filters output by language type, seperated by a comma. i.e. -t=Rust,Markdown

    <input>...    The path(s) to the file or directory to be counted.

That’s it! you have successfully installed tokei on various operating systems and learnt how to you can use it. I trust the guide has been useful. Have fun with tokei!

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